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Photographer and Socialist Lewis Hine (September 26, 1874 – November 3, 1940) had documented the problem of children labor in early 1900s America.  Since the emerged of this social problem, it has never been stopped.



Nowadays, the negative impact to facilitate the vast expanding fast fashion industry had been aggravated due to the use of fatal chemicals in farming and manufacturing.  It not only exploits the life of children, but also the ecosystem of the whole habitat in developing countries.  In addition to the unexpected accidents, thousands of lives were taken*.  

由農業到成衣產業都大量使用致命的化學原料以配合快餐時裝業的迅速發展而為社會帶來更嚴重的負面影響。現在, 不只兒童的生活被剝削, 很多發展中國家的生態環境也受到威脅。再加上不時發生的意外, 已奪去千計生命*。


The unwell consumption behavior is a condition of putting down other values while apotheosized the value of possession which often is a result of impulse purchase especially in the fast fashion. 

快餐時裝是導致過度消費的最主要零售業, 而這種不健康的消費模式往往改變人的價值觀, 甚至將消費成單一的追求行為。


By adapting two works by Mr. Lewis Hine, I have photographed fast fashion industry shopping bags which symbolizing consumption and collage them into Hine’s work.  The images of the shopping bags were intentionally positioned at the location where the portrait of worshipping figure will be hanged to intensify the deification of purchasing habit.

This work is to arouse the awareness of the world the outcome of overconsumption and the immoral practice of the fast fashion industry; thus, changing the buying habit of audience. 

這系列中, 我運用拼貼的方法把海因先生的兩張照片及四個快餐時裝品牌購物袋的照片創作成新的作品。擺放這些購物袋照片的位置正正是傳統中安放供奉神明, 祖先或其他對象的肖像地方, 以神化了消費行為及人們對購物的無限慾望。藉此希望可以喚醒過度消費所帶來的破壞性及快餐時裝的不道德做法, 令觀眾改變對消費及佔有慾的看法。







* A eight-storey Rana Plaza factory building near Dhaka, Bangaldesh collapsed on 24 April, 2013 causing 1127 deaths and about 2,500 people were injured.

* 孟加拉当地时间2013年4月24日,孟加拉首都达卡郊区的一座八层建筑物倒塌。事故共造成1127人死亡,2500多人受伤。

Apotheosis of Consumption 1, 2017
Inkjet print on photo paper with glossy lamination
480mm x 380mm

Apotheosis of Consumption 2, 2017
Inkjet print on photo paper with glossy lamination
480mm x 380mm

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